Aiming at strengthening their long-lasting cooperation, a coordination meeting took place at ASBU Academy premises on 26/09/2023 between the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT-IFTA) and the ASBU Media Training Academy.
The FIAT-IFTA Delegation comprised :
Mrs Delphine Wibaux, Head of European and International relations at INA and FIAT/IFTA Vice-President and Membership Secretary
Mr Dale Grayson, Managing Director Northbound Television, Head of Rights and Policy All3Media Group, and Chair of FIAT/IFTA Value, Use and Copyright Commission
Mrs Maria Drabczyk, Chair of the Board at Centum Cyfrowe and Board Member of the EUscreen Foundation / Acting Chair of FIAT/IFTA Value, Use and Copyright Commission
As for the ASBU Media Training Academy, it was headed by Dr Ridha Najar, ASBU Academy Manager, and included Ms Dalila Jédidi ASBU Academy Coordinator and Ms Feten Fradi Head of ASBU Arab and International Cooperation Unit.
One of the most prominent objectives of this meeting is to give new impetus to ASBU/FIAT-IFTA cooperation starting with the preparation for the Organization of a Joint Seminar on « Archives Digitisation Strategies leading to preservation and access » scheduled to be held in Tunis from 27-29 February 2024. Both delegations also agreed on the elaboration of a MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) between the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) and the International Federation of Television Archives defining the basic elements of their Cooperation Framework in various fields and namely in Training.